Chainlink (LINK-USD) Cryptocurrency is currently on bearish momentum by 16.95% in the last 6 hours. At 12:02 EST on Friday, 21 May, Chainlink (LINK-USD) is at $25.25.
Social Status
Currently, Chainlink (LINK-USD) has 323533 Twitter followers and 57017 Reddit subscribers.
As of now, on Github, there are 545 forks, 1942 stars, and 218 subscribers.
Chainlink’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was a negative 4.87%, a negative 0.36%, and a positive 5.11%, respectively.
Chainlink’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 11.95% (last week), 6.44% (last month), and 5.11% (last quarter), respectively.
News about Bitcoin
Bitcoin Marches away from crypto pack in show of resiliency. According to Bloomberg Quint on Wednesday, 19 May, “The partial rebound in Bitcoin came as many crypto fans — known for their fierce conviction and chutzpah — said they would be taking advantage of the dip.”, “Pacific Life Fund Advisors’s Gokhman said investors in cryptocurrencies — seeing their rapid decline — may have also felt the $30,000 level in Bitcoin was a floor.”
According to Business Insider on Wednesday, 19 May, “Elliptic found that there were 47 bitcoin wallets – that is, digital cryptocurrency accounts belonging to distinct entities – that paid Bitcoin ransoms to the group of hackers. “
More news about Chainlink (LINK-USD).