Theta Network (THETA-USD) Cryptocurrency is currently on bullish momentum by 17.09% in the last 24 hours. At 05:20 EST on Wednesday, 26 May, Theta Network (THETA-USD) is at $7.73.
Social Status
Currently, Theta Network (THETA-USD) has 162707 Twitter followers and 17712 Reddit subscribers.
As of now, on Github, there are 45 forks, 217 stars, and 42 subscribers.
Theta Network’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was a negative 5.43%, a negative 1.27%, and a positive 6.36%, respectively.
Theta Network’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 10.13% (last week), 6.97% (last month), and 6.36% (last quarter), respectively.
News about Bitcoin
Elon Musk met with Bitcoin miners to discuss making the cryptocurrency more environmentally friendly. According to Business Insider on Monday, 24 May, “Bitcoin mining consumes over 113 terawatt hours per year, slightly more than the country of the Netherlands at 110 terawatt hours, according to a real-time estimate from the University of Cambridge’s Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index.”, “The miners have agreed to form the Bitcoin Mining Council to promote energy usage transparency & accelerate sustainability initiatives worldwide,” Saylor said in a tweet.”
More news about Theta Network (THETA-USD).