Zilliqa Cryptocurrency Over 41% Down In The Last 14 Days

Zilliqa (ZIL-USD) Cryptocurrency is currently on bearish momentum by 41.82% in the last 14 days. At 04:29 EST on Monday, 31 May, Zilliqa (ZIL-USD) is at $0.11.

All TIme High and Low

Zilliqa’s current value is at $0.11 which is 58.01% below its all time high of $0.255376 at Thursday, 6 May.

Zilliqa’s current value is at $0.11 which is 4375.59% above its all time low of $0.00239616 at Friday, 13 March.

Market Cap, Volume, and Supply

Zilliqa’s current market cap is at 1291128260 and total volume is at 112369096.

Zilliqa (ZIL-USD) Range

Concerning Zilliqa’s daily highs and lows, it’s 34.29% up from its trailing 14 days low of $0.08 and 40.32% down from its trailing 14 days high of $0.18.

Social Status

Currently, Zilliqa (ZIL-USD) has 286557 Twitter followers and 33265 Reddit subscribers.

As of now, on Github, there are 230 forks, 1004 stars, and 119 subscribers.


Zilliqa’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was a negative 6.07%, a negative 0.94%, and a positive 6.09%, respectively.

Zilliqa’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 9.00% (last week), 6.99% (last month), and 6.09% (last quarter), respectively.

News about Bitcoin

Bitcoin slumps to $35,000 as kuroda adds to crypto criticism. According to Bloomberg Quint on Friday, 28 May, “In an interview, Kuroda said Bitcoin is “barely used as a means of settlement.” He differentiated the cryptocurrency from stable coins that have assets to back up their value. “, “China and Iran have cracked down on Bitcoin mining operations for using too much electricity and there’s speculation that the U.S. policymakers may increase financial oversight given the market’s growing size and intense volatility.”

More news about Zilliqa (ZIL-USD).