Over the past 24 hours, Gala’s (CRYPTO:GALA) price has risen 47.26% to $0.69. This continues its positive trend over the past week where it has experienced a 215.0% gain, moving from $0.21 to its current price. As it stands right now, the coin’s all-time high is $0.77.
The chart below compares the price movement and volatility for Gala over the past 24 hours (left) to its price movement over the past week (right). The gray bands are bollinger bands, measuring the volatility for both the daily and weekly price movements. The wider the bands are, or the larger the gray area is at any given moment, the larger the volatility.
The trading volume for the coin has risen 106.0% over the past week diverging from the circulating supply of the coin, which has decreased 1.18%. This brings the circulating supply to 7.54 billion, which makes up an estimated 15.08% of its max supply of 50.00 billion. According to our data, the current market cap ranking for GALA is #44 at 5.22 billion.
Where Can You Buy Gala?
If you are interested in purchasing Gala and want to know the best cryptocurrency exchanges, follow this link to Benzinga Money.
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