Megadeth Launches Its Own Cryptocurrency

MEGADETH has launched its official cryptocurrency, $MEGA. By buying, holding and transacting with $MEGA, MEGADETH fans will gain access to exclusives and premium benefits. Members of Cyber Army, MEGADETH‘s official fan club, that also hold $MEGA will unlock additional exclusives, access, and offers. Premium and Digital Cyber Army members automatically get some free $MEGA.

For more information, visit

This past April, the first MEGADETH non-fungible token (NFT) sold for 8.4 ETH, or roughly $18,000 at purchase. The piece, dubbed “Vic Rattlehead: Genesis”, featured the MEGADETH logo and the band’s iconic mascot revolving in opposite directions for six seconds.

MEGADETH recently put the finishing touches on the follow-up to 2016’s “Dystopia” album for a tentative early 2022 release.

The early sessions for the LP took place in 2019 with co-producer Chris Rakestraw, who previously worked on “Dystopia”.

“Dystopia”, whose title track was honored in the “Best Metal Performance” category at the 2017 Grammy Awards, marked Brazilian guitarist Kiko Loureiro‘s recording debut with MEGADETH.

MEGADETH‘s current lineup aso features guitarist/vocalist Dave Mustaine and Belgian-born-and-now-Los-Angeles-based drummer Dirk Verbeuren, who had played with SOILWORK for more than a decade before joining MEGADETH.

David Ellefson was fired from MEGADETH earlier this year after sexually tinged messages and explicit video footage involving the bassist were posted on Twitter.

David was in MEGADETH from the band’s inception in 1983 to 2002, and again from 2010 until his latest exit.

$MEGA, the official cryptocurrency of Megadeth and our community, is available now. As a thank you to the Cyber Army, we…

Posted by Megadeth on Thursday, December 2, 2021

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