Nostradamus 2022 predictions see cryptocurrency spike, war, asteroid, starvation, and robots

FAMED astrologer Nostradamus conjured up quite a few predictions for 2022, from a crypto spike to war and starvation to robots and asteroids.

The 16th Century seer, whose real name was Michel de Nostadame, has been credited with predicting everything from Hilter’s rise to the assassination of JFK.


Nostradamus’s predictions continue being a source of fascinationCredit: Getty
Nostradamus conjured up quite a few predictions for 2022, from a crypto spike to war and starvation to robots and asteroids


Nostradamus conjured up quite a few predictions for 2022, from a crypto spike to war and starvation to robots and asteroidsCredit: Getty

His prophesies, published in the 1555 book Les Prophéties, are often incredibly vague and hard to pin down to specific years since they are based on astrological movements.

However, even the most skeptic among us would have trouble denying that some of his predictions align pretty closely with major historical events.

As 2022 approaches, looking at what Nostradamus had to say about the year is looking a little bleak.

It’s worth keeping in mind, however, that Nostradamus is historically bleak.


Looking at the astrologer’s 2022 predictions, it would be easy to align some comments he made about “scripts and bonds” being wiped out with the rise of cryptocurrency.

Nostradamus wrote: “The copies of gold and silver inflated/Which after the theft were thrown into the lake/At the discovery that all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt/All scripts and bonds will be wiped out.”

While, like all of his prophecies, this one is certainly vague, it does seem to allude to major changes in the financial world.


Nostradamus also seemed to predict a year of heavy inflation, a problem the US is no doubt already dealing with.

“So high the price of wheat/That man is stirred/His fellow man to eat in his despair,” the astrologer wrote.


Nostradamus also seemed to suggest some type of war would reach Europe in the year 2022.

“Blue-head shall white-head/harm in such degree/As France’s good to both shall e’er amount,” he wrote.

While some interpretaters see this as a prediction of war coming to France’s shores, others are not so sure.


In 2021, an especially prominent prediction was that some sort of asteroid would hit the earth.

“Fire do I see that from the sky shall fall,” the astrologer wrote.

The earth did have a near miss with Asteroid 2021GW4 this year, though it wasn’t considered too much of a threat by NASA, and didn’t exactly fit the astrologer’s dramatic prediction.


Among Nostradamus’ predictions for 2021 is also the rise of artificial intelligence.

He wrote: “The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain / The new sage with a lone brain sees it: By his disciples invited to be immortal, Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.”

As modern artificial intelligence becomes more advanced each year, this warning about immortal disciples takes on a very real meaning.


Back in 1555 Nostradamus also predicted that temperatures would rise, and this would be fatal for many of the planet’s wildlife.

“Like the sun the head shall sear the shining sea: The Black Sea’s living fish shall all but boil,” he wrote.

“When Rhodes and Genoa / Half-starved shall be / The local folk to cut them up shall toil.”

Among Nostradamus' predictions for 2021 is also the rise of artificial intelligence


Among Nostradamus’ predictions for 2021 is also the rise of artificial intelligenceCredit: Getty

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