System Change Not Climate Change is hosting a free virtual webinar on proof-of-work cryptocurrency (commonly used in bitcoin mining) at 1 p.m. Saturday.
Cartographer Karen Edelstein, independent journalist and scholar Maura Stephens, and Seneca Lake Guardian vice president Yvonne Taylor will evaluate what cryptocurrency is, when and where it may be coming, why it’s growing so spectacularly, and how it impacts the climate. They’ll share how communities worldwide are organizing to fight siting of cryptocurrency mines.
Edelstein is the Eastern Program coordinator for FracTracker Alliance. She blends her backgrounds as an environmental scientist, educator, and writer with her love of cartography to create informative, accessible interactive maps that tell stories about the impacts of the oil and gas industry on human and environmental health. She is active in numerous fights for a clean and sustainable environment in her home region, the Finger Lakes of New York state.
Stephens is a journalist, educator, artist, and farmer. Having moved from mainstream (Newsweek, etc.) to independent media (Truthout, etc.), she believes advocacy for people and planet are professional obligations. She has written and activated on numerous issues, lately focused on related aspects of climate chaos, migration, food security/sovereignty, human rights, media reform, education, and organizing. She is a member of System Change Not Climate Change’s coordinating committee and editorial board.
Taylor is a speech-language therapist working with disabled young people. In her role with Seneca Lake Guardian, she has worked for more than a decade to preserve and protect the Finger Lakes region of New York state from corporations seeking to exploit natural resources for private financial gain.