You Can Now Purchase Furniture with Cryptocurrency in Croatia

December the 28th, 2021 – Cryptocurrency in Croatia has been becoming more and more widepsread in terms of its use over more recent months, and you can now use this method of making payments in quite wide variety of ways. You can even buy furniture with it.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, centres in Pula and Kukuljanovo are the first points of sale of the company Namjestaj Mima, where cryptocurrency purchases will be made possible. The company has announced that this option will soon be available in other shopping centres as well as on their web shop. This is the first example that a furniture retailer operating here on the Croatia market deciding to introduce this ultra-modern form of payment.

“By introducing cryptocurrency payments, Namjestaj Mima is boldly stepping out into a new generation of creating shopping experiences and turning to both old and new customers who embrace these innovations and global trends which are increasingly present in our daily lives,” said Marina Marjanovic, the director of the aforementioned furniture company.

The crypto payment option was provided by this merchant in cooperation with Electrocoin, the owner of the most widespread crypto payment processing platform PayCek, through which transactions will be carried out in Namjestaj Mima’s various salons.

Electrocoin explained that PayCek guarantees the buyer at the time of initiating the transaction a fixed exchange rate in time sufficient for its successful execution, taking into account the volatility of the cryptocurrency exchange rate, which can vary from minute to minute.

“The number of clients interested in the PayCek platform is constantly growing,” said Hrvoje Hrvatin, marketing manager of Electrocoin, which recently made payments in cryptocurrency available recently for the largest retail chain in the domestic market – Konzum.

For a country which sill loves paper and red tape, the use of cryptocurrency in Croatia could signal a further step into the 21st century.

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