Two Tesla owners have been using their cars to mine cryptocurrency, where one used his car to mine $800 per month. Siraj Raval, a San Francisco-based Tesla Model 3 owner connected graphics processing units (GPUs) to his car and started mining for cryptocurrency.
Raval also hacked his Model 3’s onboard internal firmware to mine the currency but concluded that using a GPU was the most profitable way. However, he did stress the fact that the modifications invalidate the warranty of the car, but it pays off.
The other person is a Wisconsin-based electric car dealer named Chris Allessi. Again, with his Model 3, Chris mined monero and bitcoin using a power inverter and a Bitmain Antminer S9 connected to the battery of his 2018 Model 3. Similar to Raval, Chris used the car’s onboard internal firmware to mine the currency and run the programs in a browser.