Kids Unlimited recieves $15,000 donation raised through cryptocurrency | SchoolWatch

MEDFORD, Ore– Kids Unlimited Academy is now $15,000 richer after receiving a check from Super Mega Studios to help the school and its programs.

But the money was not raised in a tradition way. Instead it was raised through cryptocurrency.

According to Super Mega Studios, the business actioned off one of their series for $15,000 in NFT’s (Non-fungible Tokens) and then converted that currency into a check to be donated to the school.

For Co-Founder Jason Hanlin, Kids Unlimited has always had a special place in his heart.

“I’ve been working with Kids Unlimited through a couple different companies and I always try to give back to this community,” said Hanlin. “There are so many amazing kids are there that don’t get a chance.”

And for Kids Unlimited CEO Tom Cole, it means a chance to give kids at the school more opportunities to succeed. 

“The support that another entity understands the value of what we do and the need for our children who really endure a lot of hardships means a lot” said Cole. “But most importantly it provides another outlet to support kids who have a tremendous amount of needs.”

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