Things You Need To Know About Cryptocurrency – 365 RETAIL



Most of us might have heard about these things, but not many of us have proper ideas and understanding about them. Cryptocurrency and the underlying technology are not just a form of digital cash. 

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They have the potential to transform the financial sectors along with a lot of other industries. 

You might have heard the news that the Crypto market is performing well. Many individual investors, along with institutional investors, are also investing in different Cryptocurrencies. You might also have heard about people who turned into millionaires overnight. 

All these things might be making you eager to know about Cryptocurrency. It will not only help you when you think of investing in the Crypto space but also help you to understand where the financial sector is going. 

What Is Cryptocurrency? 

A cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency that does not at all rely on the physical world. Here, no third parties or central banks are present in order to verify the transactions or make new currency units. 

Instead of any central authority, here cryptography is used for confirming transactions and that too on a publicly distributed ledger. That ledger is named Blockchain. 

Although the definition might seem a little cryptic right now, you will not require any decryption key in order to understand Crypto. 

In order to buy Cryptocurrency, you just need a trusted, secure and user-friendly Crypto trading platform, like the bitcoin era

You might get surprised to know that the Crypto market has thousands of Cryptocurrencies with verifying values. Bitcoin is the first-ever Cryptocurrency to get introduced into the market. Here are some of the top Cryptocurrencies with their Market Capitalisation. 

  • Obviously Bitcoin.  
  • Ether. 
  • Dogecoin. 
  • Binance Coin.  
  • Litecoin. 
  • Bitcoin Cash. 
  • Olkasot.
  • Cardano.
  • Solana. 
  • Tether. 

Advantages Of Cryptocurrency

Now, as you know the basics about Cryptocurrency, let’s get to know the advantages that Cryptocurrencies have to offer us. 


When you are performing a Crypto transaction, it will only take as little as a few minutes. Once the transaction is confirmed, the receiving party will be able to spend the funds. Even in traditional finance, a transaction requires a day to clear. 

Low Fees

Often, the cost of Cryptocurrency usage is significantly lower than using all those traditional financial institutions. When many banks charge monthly fees, you don’t need to pay anything for storing Cryptos. Also, the transaction cost in Crypto is lower than the usual ones. 


Cryptocurrency is considered more secure than holding cash or using a debit card for all those online transactions. As long as you can keep your private keys safe, no one can access your Crypto funds. Also, Cryptocurrency transactions are completely anonymous.   

No Barriers To Entry

Where banks require a valid ID proof for accessing traditional currencies, there are no such requirements in the Crypto space. There is no KYC information that you need to provide. Across the globe, a lot of people do not get the leverage of banks; for them, it is indeed a great solution. 

Disadvantages Of Cryptocurrency

Along with having benefits, Cryptocurrencies also come with some drawbacks. Let’s have a look at them. 

No Insurance

There is no insurance on the funds you are holding. When you are storing your cash in banks, your money is insured by the banking authority or the government. But as there is no central authority to regulate Cryptocurrencies, your Crypto assets are not insured.  

No Way To Dispute Transactions

Suppose you have accidentally sent too many Crypto funds to someone, or you have not got what you were supposed to in exchange. In this case, there is no way to reverse or dispute a transaction. Every transaction confirmed on the Blockchain is finalised. 

High Volatility

Volatility is the most prominent characteristic of Cryptocurrency. The value can fall down drastically and make you lose a huge amount. So, when you are paying for products and services with Cryptos, it becomes difficult when the value fluctuates. 

Is Cryptocurrency A Good Investment

Cryptocurrency has been booming in recent times. Experts are also saying it can reshape the financial industry and become the future. However, if you want to invest in Crypto, it is always a must to conduct thorough research on the market and gain as much knowledge as you can. 

If you can strategise it well, you can earn considerable profit from Cryptocurrency. 
