Goa Police has announced that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with 5ire, a fifth generation blockchain network company, at its crime branch office in Ribandar to go digital. The MoU was signed by Nidhin Valsan, Indian Police Service (IPS), Superintendent of Police (SP) Crime, on behalf of Goa Police and Pratik Gauri, founder and CEO, 5ire.
Through this collaboration, the MoU aims to create a public-private partnership between 5ire and Goa Police to implement a smart policing solution to improve transparency and efficiency in policing, which will help streamline procedures that reflect all events for all stakeholders. The MoU seeks to help in the digitisation and digitalisation of offline systems.
“5ire, being the blockchain company in the country, will help Goa Police to make transition to smart policing using the latest technologies such as blockchain, and will help in digitisation of the offline systems and making it online,” Valsan said.
According to 5ire, its blockchain-based smart policing solutions can record all official activities to allow police to help the citizens with traceability to their records and evidence. Moreover, blockchain technology can help create smart policing solutions for Goa Police, and aims to make the processes online eco-friendly and efficient.
As per Gauri, 5ire’s solution of smart policing for Goa police is one of the solutions in India that can be deployed on a public sector scale in a manner than the solutions that are currently available.
5ire is a blockchain ecosystem that focuses on adoption of blockchain technology through integration of sustainability, technology, and innovation to build the fifth industrial revolution (5IR). Founded by Pratik Gauri, Prateek Dwivedi, and Vilma Mattila in August 2021, the mission of the 5ire ecosystem is to increase the adoption of blockchain for worldwide benefit to embed a for-benefit paradigm at the heart of the blockchain, to incentivise practices that align with the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs), to facilitate the transition from 4IR to 5IR, and to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development.