Theta Network (THETA-USD) Cryptocurrency is currently on bearish momentum by 13.10% in the last 6 hours. At 07:20 EST on Monday, 21 June, Theta Network (THETA-USD) is at $7.33.
Today’s last reported volume for Theta Network is 355124776 which is 5.11% below its average volume of 374238964.74.
All TIme High and Low
Theta Network’s current value is at $7.33 which is 52.81% below its all time high of $15.72 at Friday, 16 April.
Theta Network’s current value is at $7.33 which is 18263.25% above its all time low of $15.72 at Friday, 13 March.
Market Cap and Supply
Theta Network’s current market cap is at 7356032412
Social Status
Currently, Theta Network (THETA-USD) has 176150 Twitter followers and 20005 Reddit subscribers.
As of now, on Github, there are 51 forks, 232 stars, and 45 subscribers.
Theta Network’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was 0.75%, 1.25%, and 7.26%, respectively.
Theta Network’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 4.09% (last week), 8.86% (last month), and 7.26% (last quarter), respectively.
Crypto Price Classification
According to the stochastic oscillator, a useful indicator of overbought and oversold conditions, Theta Network’s crypto is considered to be overbought (>=80).
News about Bitcoin
Bitcoin drops as China intensifies crypto mining crackdown. According to CNBC on Monday, 21 June, “And some industry efforts have been launched – including the Bitcoin Mining Council and the Crypto Climate Accord – in an effort to reduce cryptocurrencies’ carbon footprint.”
Ai-driven hedge fund rules out Bitcoin for lack of ‘fundamentals’. According to Bloomberg Quint on Friday, 18 June, “Patrik Safvenblad, the chief investment officer of Volt Capital Management AB, says the problem with Bitcoin and other crypto assets is that they “do not have accessible fundamentals that we could build a model on.”, “The role of Bitcoin in investment portfolios continues to split managers, as the world’s most popular cryptocurrency remains one of its most volatile asset classes. “
Bitcoin pressured by post-fed dip in sentiment, China crackdown. According to Bloomberg Quint on Monday, 21 June, “If, as I expect, the global buy-everything unwind continues this week, Bitcoin will feel those chill winds as well,” said Jeffrey Halley, senior market analyst at Oanda Asia Pacific Pte.”, “A government official in China’s Ya’an told at least one Bitcoin miner that the city has promised to root out all Bitcoin and Ether mining operations within a year, said a person with knowledge of the situation.”
According to Business Insider on Friday, 18 June, “Other countries will follow El Salvador’s lead for two main reasons, making bitcoin legal tender will attract Bitcoin entrepreneurs and ease the burden of sending money internationally.” Edward Moya, senior market analyst at OANDA told Insider.”
Bitcoin drops as hashrate declines with China mining crackdown. According to Bloomberg Quint on Sunday, 20 June, “The hashrate in China is dropping significantly as Bitcoin mines are being closed, Jonathan Cheesman, head of over-the-counter and institutional sales at crypto-derivatives exchange FTX wrote in an email Saturday, citing reports on Twitter from handle @bigmagicdao.”, “The city of Ya’an in the southwestern region of Sichuan has promised the provincial authorities to root out all Bitcoin and Ether mining operations within one year, said a person with knowledge of the situation. “
More news about Theta Network (THETA-USD).