Theta Network Cryptocurrency Slides By 52% In The Last 30 Days


Theta Network (THETA-USD) Cryptocurrency is currently on bearish momentum by 52.00% in the last 30 days. At 06:20 EST on Monday, 19 July, Theta Network (THETA-USD) is at $4.2800.


Today’s last reported volume for Theta Network is 180685036, 50.28% below its average volume of 363399792.39.

All-Time High and Low

Theta Network’s current value is at $4.28, 72.77% below its all-time high of $15.72 on Friday, 16 April.

Theta Network’s current value is at $4.28, 10496.73% above its all time low of $15.72 on Friday, 13 March.

Market Cap and Supply

Theta Network’s current market cap is 4281055357.

Social Status

Currently, Theta Network (THETA-USD) has 182969 Twitter followers and 21567 Reddit subscribers.

As of now, on Github, there are 56 forks, 248 stars, and 43 subscribers.


Theta Network’s last week, last month’s, and last quarter’s current volatility was a negative 2.15%, a negative 1.35%, and a positive 7.21%, respectively.

Theta Network’s current volatility rank, which measures how volatile a financial asset is (variation between the lowest and highest value in a period), was 3.87% (last week), 4.96% (last month), and 7.21% (last quarter), respectively.

Crypto Price Classification

According to the stochastic oscillator, a useful indicator of overbought and oversold conditions, Theta Network’s crypto is considered to be overbought (>=80).

News about Bitcoin

Btc/usd forecast: Bitcoin pressures major support – 19 July 2021. According to DailyForex on Monday, 19 July, “The Bitcoin market fluctuated during the trading session on Friday as we continue to hover just above the $30,000 level. “, “Nonetheless, I think there are far too many things working against Bitcoin to make it go much higher in the short term. “

More news about Theta Network (THETA-USD).