Cryptocurrency experts from FAAM Coin teach Rayen Early College Middle School students how crypto works

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (WKBN) – Two classes at Rayen Early College Middle School got a lesson about cryptocurrency Friday.

FAAM Coin is a cryptocurrency created by a group of Youngstown natives. As a way of giving back, they decided to educate students on how crypto works.

Brian Glenn, education director with FAAM Coin, said it’s important to teach kids about things that can benefit their future.

“A part of our mission is education. We don’t want kids to say, ‘Oh, no one ever taught me about that.’ You know, when it comes to school, people say, ‘No one ever taught me about credit, or no one ever taught me about homeownership.’ So, we don’t want kids to have to say that about cryptocurrency. They’ll be able to say, ‘Those guys came into our school and they taught us about this,” Glenn said.

Both seventh and eighth-graders were able to take part. They were very engaged and asked interesting questions.

“We taught the kids about blockchain technology, how blockchain works, how it’s integrated with cryptocurrency, also taught them about their crypto wallet, how to maintain that and keep it, their recovery phrase in a safe place,” Glenn said.

As a part of their charity dedication, FAAM Coin gives back to the community by working as a charitable entity that helps families and children, especially the Youngstown area in which it originated. 

Glenn said they would love to get into more local schools to conduct lessons.