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The world is slowly but surely making a shift toward normalizing cryptocurrency. Sure, maybe retail giants like Walmart haven’t quite bought in, but the nation of El Salvador has made Bitcoin its official currency. Some of the mystique is gone, as well as some of the speculating opportunity. Still, as cryptocurrency trends toward the mainstream, it’s as good a time as ever to learn more about the topic and how it works.
The Cryptocurrency with Ethereum & Solidity Blockchain Developer Bundle can help and it’s on sale for a limited time for a special $20 price.
This six-course bundle includes 35 hours of content on the blockchain, Ethereum, and Solidity from experts like Mammoth Interactive (4.2/5 instructor rating), Loonycorn (4.2/5 rating), and Rangel Stoilov (4.2/5 rating).
In these courses, you’ll get familiar with the basics of cryptocurrency. You’ll understand how blockchain technology can be used to store a distributed ledger of immutable and verifiable transactions and explore concepts like accounts, nodes, transactions, miners, gas, and proof-of-work on the Ethereum platform. You’ll also gain a step-by-step blueprint to build your own projects as an Ethereum blockchain developer. Using CloudFormation templates on AWS, you will build an Ethereum network and use the Solidity programming language to build multiple blockchain projects.
As you progress, you’ll build increasingly complex decentralized applications using Solidity. Then, you’ll go through the process of creating and launching your own initial coin offering upon Ethereum. Finally, you’ll build your own completely decentralized exchange and deploy it to Rinkeby-Testnet.
Get up to speed with one of today’s most exciting and revolutionary technologies. Right now, The Cryptocurrency with Ethereum & Solidity Blockchain Developer Bundle is on sale for a special $20 price tag for a limited time.
Prices are subject to change.