Cambridge University Blockchain Society Partners with Radio Caca (RACA) to Build Metaverse Education

Cambridge University Blockchain Society Partners with Radio Caca (RACA) to Build the “Metaverse + Education” World, Empowering Education Reform, Promoting Education Equity

Radio Caca (RACA)

Cambridge University Blockchain Society Partners with Radio Caca (RACA) to Build the “Metaverse + Education” World, Empowering Education Reform, Promoting Education Equity

Cambridge University Blockchain Society Partners with Radio Caca (RACA) to Build the “Metaverse + Education” World, Empowering Education Reform, Promoting Education Equity

Singapore, Singapore , Jan. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Radio Caca (RACA), the exclusive manager of Maye Musk Mystery Box (MPB) NFT and the United States of Mars (USM) brand issuer, is collaborating with the University of Cambridge Blockchain Society to build a novel education system in the USM Metaverse. Radio Caca (RACA) is about to commence an empowering reform in education and educational equity. RACA USM Metaverse contains countless opportunities that can bring immense changes in education, social networking, content, working opportunities, and many other scenarios. Radio Caca believes that Metaverse technology will turn into a carrier that integrates virtual worlds and the real world. Currently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online education has become most people’s preferred way to acquire professional and academic skills. Radio Caca (RACA) firmly believes that ‘Metaverse + Education’ has become a new battle ground of global digital innovation.

It has been apparent that online teaching has become the focal point in the education field. The education industry all over the world has suffered a heavy blow, and the themes of the industry have been constantly changing since the beginning of the COVID-19 global pandemic. It is officially reported that about 1.6 billion students from up to 192 countries, namely 91% of the world’s student population, have seriously suffered interruption in their academic progress in 2021.

The concept of the Metaverse will continue to be popular, and Internet tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Tencent have accelerated Metaverse infrastructure development, in 2022.

By the end of 2021, The spokesmen from Radio Caca (RACA) and Cambridge University Blockchain Society have announced jointly building a ‘Metaverse + Education’ system to kick off the iterative upgrades of Internet education. People have the comments that it could have profound influence to the industry in terms of empowering education reform, promoting equity, and implementing the education-for-everyone initiatives.

With Radio Caca (RACA)’s continuous development and deployment of technologies such as Metaverse, DeFi (short for Decentralized Finance), NFT, DAO, public Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains, and cross-chain communication and bridging infrastructures, the RACA Metaverse (USM) Education World will be launching a series of programs as follows:

1. Smart Remote Curriculum

Physical and geographical locations are no longer determining factors that are subject to external interruptions such as a global pandemic. Teachers and students all over the globe can be better connected by Radio Caca (RACA)’s Smart Remote Curriculum program powered by the USM Education World.

The fact that the curriculum tools are no longer limited by the classroom equipment is a paradigm change that will spawn new learning behavior. For example, physical classrooms rely on standard presentation equipment such as blackboards, projectors, or limited sized screens, but in the Radio Caca (RACA) USM Metaverse, a new set of tools such as virtual 3D environments can be set up to provide immersive teaching experiences. One shall expect an increasing variety of innovative teaching practices optimized for different subjects to emerge.

2. Education For All, Educational Equity

The root cause of educational inequity is due to the finite nature of educational resources. Improving educational equity is the biggest objective of launching the RACA Metaverse (USM) education world. Thanks to Radio Caca (RACA) USM Metaverse, students in locations where educational resources are limited can easily access world class education as long as the Internet connection is available. Museums, opera houses, etc. will be built in the USM Metaverse, and abundant courses from top institutions will be available in the USM Metaverse projects. Blending of culture, education, and technology will be within reach for everyone.

Being digital turns scarcity into abundance, which is the key to provide inclusion to everyone regardless of his/her socioeconomic standing. On the other hand, cryptographic technologies such as NFT enable independent verifiability of digital scarcity. In the USM Metaverse, ownership and subscription of educational resources will be mapped into NFTs on blockchains. There will be a secondary market where the NFTs can be traded just like used textbooks. While protecting intellectual property and incenting quality content creation, this innovation can greatly improve fair sharing of educational resources. Equal access to high-quality education and learning content means an equal opportunity for the future. This is Radio Caca (RACA)’s plan to bring education to everyone.

3. Fair & Transparent Education

The USM Metaverse will make use of the open and immutable characteristics of blockchains by creating course NFTs to avoid copyright infringement and dispute as well as bring transparency to the courses’ sales process. The blockchain technology will play a role in the USM Metaverse education world, namely, homework, exams, grades and behaviors will be recorded on the chain, forming a more comprehensive, open, and fair mechanism for credit record incentives and dynamically optimized guidance of students’ learning behaviors.

In the USM Metaverse, educational resources are modular. Teachers can efficiently compose new educational scenes using and recombining existing modules and hence truly master their own educational resources.

The educational resource NFT of USM Metaverse will be issued by Radio Caca (RACA). Radio Caca has a native token (Ticker: RACA). RACA is also the governance token of USM Metaverse. As a result, the three form an empowering triumvirate of the ecosystem.

A large number of users are gathered in the educational scene jointly built by Radio Caca (RACA) and Cambridge University. In the Radio Caca (RACA) ecosystem, NFT + Metaverse + Education is perfectly integrated. In the future, Radio Caca (RACA) will continue to bring surprises to the education industry.

In a nutshell, Radio Caca (RACA) is building a huge Metaverse project, the USM, where many innovations such as blockchain, NFT, DAO, DeFi, VR, converge, from which education, among many other things, will benefit to a great extent. The USM Metaverse project will also establish a Metaverse ecosystem along with the current NFT/DeFi ecosystem to promote a robust, open, fair, and transparent education system that everyone who embraces the USM Metaverse can enjoy.

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