How to add a cryptocurrency address to your Twitter profile

Twitter gives cryptocurrency some prime real estate, so you might as well take advantage of it.

The social media platform lets users add their Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency wallet addresses to their profile pages — making it easy for people to send them crypto payments. However, as users can only make the additions on iOS or Android, it’s easy to overlook the unassuming feature.

A later addition to Tips, Twitter gave users the ability to add a Bitcoin address to their Twitter profile in September of 2021. It did the same for Ethereum in February of 2022.

You may be unfamiliar with the relatively new feature, but, thankfully, it’s easy to set up.

How to add a Bitcoin or Ethereum address to your Twitter profile

In order to add your Ethereum and Bitcoin addresses to your Twitter profile, you’re going to need to have them handy to copy and paste. Got them ready, perhaps on your mobile cryptocurrency wallet? OK then, let’s go.

1. Log into your Twitter account on iOS or Android

2. Go to your profile page

3. Select “Edit profile”

4. At the bottom of the screen, select “Tips”

5. Scroll to the bottom, and select “I agree” (after reading Twitter’s “General Tipping Policy,” of course)

6. Here you’ll see the option to add both an Ethereum and Bitcoin address

Yes, please.
Credit: Screenshot: Twitter

7. Leave the app, and pop over to your iOS or Android cryptocurrency wallet and copy your Bitcoin address

8. Head back to the Twitter app, and select “Bitcoin address”

9. Paste your Bitcoin wallet address into the field, then click “Save”

10. Leave Twitter, and go to your iOS or Android cryptocurrency wallet and copy your Ethereum address

11. Go back to the Twitter app, and select “Ethereum address”

12. Paste your Ethereum wallet address into the field, then click “Save”

13. Where it says “Allow tips,” switch the toggle to the “on” position

And with that, you’re good to go. Anyone who wants to can now easily find your cryptocurrency wallet addresses on your Twitter profile, and send you bitcoin or ether to their heart’s content.

But a word of warning: Because of the public nature of both the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains, linking your cryptocurrency address to your Twitter profile also means that strangers can see what, if anything, you’ve purchased — both in the past, and future — with crypto tied to those addresses.

So keep that in mind before linking the same Bitcoin wallet you used to buy drugs off AlphaBay to your Twitter account. The future of money, it turns out, shines a spotlight on your past.

But hey, adding cryptocurrency addresses to your Twitter profile sure is neat. And now you know how to do it.

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