County hears concerns about Bitcoin facility | News

A Navarro County resident spoke out against the Bitcoin mining facility which is to be located in Pct. 3 on FM 709, during the public comment portion of Monday’s County Commissioners meeting.

Carla Steele asked Commissioners to do what they could to stop this project and to consider those who don’t have a voice, in their decisions.

Critics of the Bitcoin mining facility cite concerns such as power and water usage and increased traffic and noise in rural areas.

Commissioners did not comment and are not required to address public comments or issues which are not on the agenda.

Residents also brought up election integrity and road work concerns to commissioners, during this time.

Commissioners declared the month of June as Elder Abuse Awareness Month. County Judge H.M. Davenport read a proclamation codifying Navarro County’s dedication to reporting and preventing these incidents when they occur.

There were 247 intakes investigated in Navarro County and 175 confirmed cases of abuse neglect or exploitation of the elderly and disabled, reported in 2021 though these incidents are often under reported.

The Tax collection report for April 2022, was approved. Navarro County Tax Assessor Collector, Mike Dowd reported that the county collected approximately $25.4 million during the year to date, which is approximately $3.5 million more than was collected during the same period last year. Dowd also noted that the percentage of collections also increased when compared to last year.

Commissioners took no action on the county’s burn ban. Residents were again reminded to tend to all fires, and to consider wind conditions before burning.

A motion approving the sale of fireworks for Memorial Day, May 30, 2022, was approved.

Commissioners approved a standard road bore allowing Chatfield Water Supply to cross NE CR 2190 in Pct. 2

A resolution and financial lease Agreement with Government Capital and Pct. 2 for Motor graders, were approved.

Commissioners also approved the purchase of 2013 International 7500 Dump Truck and a 2013 Hamm HD 12 Roller from Providence Equipment for Pct. 2

A utility easement for Zayo on SE CR 3220 in PCT. 2, was granted.

A 1996 Mack Dump Truck was declared as salvage for Pct. 2

Commissioners approved a final re-plat of The Plantation, Phase 2, Lots 89-A & 89-B for Cecilio & Eleuterio Ponce, in Pct. 1. The re-plat meets all state and local regulations.

A final re-plat of Valley View Ranch Estates, Lot 58-R for Saul Puente & Maria Cerda, was approved the .6-acre lot meets state standards.

A final re-plat of Hall Estates, Lot 12-R4, was approved for Charles R. Compton.

Commissioners approved a final re-plat of TLH Country Estates, Lots 2-A & 2-B for Valentina Diaz.

An award letter for Federal Assistance for the 2022 calendar year was accepted on behalf of Texoma HIDTA for Grant Number G22NT0001A in the amount of 3,006,088.00.

Commissioners also accepted a Lease Agreement with Gateway II Investors, LTD, for Texoma HIDTA facilities, following a review and routine revisions made by the Navarro County District Attorney’s Office.

Commissioners approved a resolution to pay bills for the Navarro County Sheriff’s Office without Purchase Orders on May 9, 2022

Commissioners approved the consent agenda before adjourning into Executive Session, no action was taken.

The Navarro County Commissioners Court meets at 10 a.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month in the Navarro County Courthouse, 300 W. Third Ave. in Corsicana.