Zilliqa is coming to the Metaverse as it launches its XR platform Metapolis

  • Zilliqa is joining the Metaverse frenzy by launching Metapolis, an immersive and gamified XR platform combining AR and VR.
  • The platform will allow users to fully immerse themselves in extended reality and interact with others as well as take actions with their NFT avatars.

Zilliqa is taking a stab at conquering the Metaverse, announcing that it’s launching an extended reality (XR) metaverse platform in January next year. Known as Metapolis, it will allow users to house brands, artists, concepts, real estate, games and more. Through their NFT avatars, users can also interact with these features and even teleport to other cities easily.

Bill Gates has already boldly predicted that in three years, the Metaverse will be a globally-accepted reality, taking over how we shop, work, interact, meet and live. And while some like Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey have expressed skepticism, the Metaverse is seeing rapid progress and evolution, with Facebook even changing its name to match the new reality.

Read More: Bill Gates says the metaverse will host your office meetings in 3 years as Facebook takes giant leap

Ziliqa, a high-performance layer-1 blockchain protocol, has announced Metapolis as its effort to become an early player in the new technology.

According to Zilliqa, features on Metapolis will be conceptually rich and will offer a new layer of engagement for both the physical and digital worlds.

“Metapolis looks to be self-sustaining and includes engagement layers such as NFTs, e-commerce, play-to-earn, digital mannequins, advertising billboards, and more,” the project claimed.

Ben Livshits, the Zilliqa CEO sought to reassure users that the Metaverse isn’t here to replace the physical world they live in. Rather, it’s “about bettering our relationship with the digital world.”

He added:

Beyond the sharing culture that social media has unleashed, this world looks at reducing the gaps present in our ‘real’ economy — gaps around access to value creation and fair pay. It will add layers of interaction to professional and personal lives — with shared value and incentive-driven models at its heart.

Metapolis will integrate a lot of today’s popular sectors including social media, e-commerce, mobile and web. And while it will provide a fun new way for users to interact with these technologies, it will also offer a much better way for brands to market themselves and reach their targeted audiences.

Metapolis users will be able to acquire customized NFT avatars which they can then use to interact with other phenomena in the space.

Sandra Helou, the head of the Metaverse and NFTs at Zilliqa commented:

Diversification, innovation and the use of digital assets are all part of Web 3.0. If you add to that an ‘always-on’ layer of engagement to make it borderless and accessible, you start to see the fabric of the Metaverse being woven together.
