New Delhi: After a small rebound, the crypto market was back in the red during the early trading hours on Wednesday. Bitcoin again breached the $20,000 threshold, denting the sentiments for other crypto assets.
The flow of bad crypto news was slower than it has been most days over the past six weeks. However, the gloom and fear in the crypto industry still persist.
Barring the Unus Sed Leo, which was up by 3 per cent down, all other crypto tokens were lower on Wednesday. Shiba Inu, Dogecoin and Polkadot plunged 4 per cent each, whereas Cardano shed 3 per cent.
The global cryptocurrency market cap was trading lower at the $894.51 billion mark, dropping almost 2 per cent in the last 24 hours. However, the total cryptocurrency trading volume jumped almost 17 per cent to $64.82 billion.
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